
CELPIP Speaking Task 8 - Describing an usual Situation Practice

CELPIP Speaking Task 8 - Describing an usual Situation Practice 1) About Speaking Task 8 * Preparation:  30 seconds    * Recording:  60 seconds   (1) Preparation screen. (2) Recording screen. 2) Question  You saw a book cover picture for sister's birthday at the bookstore, but you can not take pictures. Call family, descript of the book cover picture to a family.

CELPIP Speaking Task 7 - Expressing Opinion Practice

CELPIP Speaking Task 7 - Expressing Opinion Practice 1) About Speaking Task 7 * Preparation:  30 seconds    * Recording:  90 seconds   (1) Preparation screen. (2) Recording screen. 2) Question  Question: Do you think plastic surgery is helpful to succeed in society? Explain your reasons. 

CELPIP Speaking Task 6 - Dealing with a difficult situation Practice

CELPIP Speaking Task 6 - Dealing with a difficult situation Practice 1) About Speaking Task 6 * Preparation:  60 seconds    * Recording:  60 seconds   (1) Preparation screen. (2) Recording screen. 2) Question  Your friend will graduates from university this year. He is confused about whether he will enter graduate school or just get a job after graduation.

CELPIP Speaking Task 5 - Comparing and persuading Practice

CELPIP Speaking Task 5 - Comparing and persuading Practice 1) About Speaking Task 5 * Choice Time :  60 seconds    * Preparation:  60 seconds    * Recording:  60 seconds   (1) Choice screen. (2) Preparation screen. (3) Recording screen. 2) Question 2) Question  You share a room with your brother. You need a chair and found two suitable options. Using the pictures and information below, choose the option that you prefer. In the next section, you will need to persuade your brother that your choice is the better choice. You do not need to speak for this part.  Your brother is suggesting another chair. Persuade your brother that what you chose is more suitable by comparing the two.

CELPIP Speaking Task 4 - Prediction Practice

CELPIP Speaking Task 4 - Prediction Practice 1) About Speaking Task 4 * Preparation:  30 seconds    * Recording:  60 seconds   (1) Preparation screen (2) Recording screen. 2) Question  In this picture, what do you think will most probably happen next?

CELPIP Speaking Task 3 - Describing a Scene Practice

CELPIP Speaking Task 3 - Describing a Scene Practice 1) About Speaking Task 3 * Preparation:  30 seconds    * Recording:  60 seconds   (1) Preparation screen (2) Recording screen. 2) Question  Describe some things that are happening in the picture below as well as you can. The person with whom you are speaking cannot see the picture.

CELPIP Speaking Task 2 - Personal Experience Practice

CELPIP Speaking Task 1 - Giving Advice Practice 1) About Speaking Task 2 * Preparation:  30 seconds    * Recording:  60 seconds   (1) Preparation screen (2) Recording screen.   2) Question  Talk about the most memorable birthday of your life. When was it, and why is it so memorable to you?